Finally, we need to look at what gear you need to bring.  Now remember, we are just getting started.  You should have everything you need already.  This is not a gear list for back country outings, backpacking, or all day trips.  This is our entry level list for short hikes. 


Really, for short hikes, this is the most important thing.  Find a water bottle, fill it up, and drink the water.  Plan for drinking up to a litter per hour.  So as your trip length increase, your water consumption increase.  For longer hikes, you need to consider how to fill your water bottle, a good back up is to carry Water-purification tablets, just in case.  They will give water an off taste, but that is a small price to pay verse being dehydrated or getting giardia.  On down the road, look into other methods of water purification.

Other general things to carry include a knife, first-aid kit, and fire starter.  Depending on the weather and location, consider a wide brim hat, rain jacket, sunscreen and insect repellent are a good thing to include.  In the evenings and mornings, a small flashlight or headlamp would be nice.

Beyond that, you should be ready for a short simple hike.  So, lace up your shoes, maybe grab a friend and hit the trail.

Simple list for short hiking trips

Water Bottles
There are lots of options here, but the budget option is reusing a bottle of water.  Smartwater™ bottles work really well for this. Always carry more than you think you need.  For emergencies get some purification tablets or a life straw.


You don’t need anything big for this.  A small knife will meet almost any need that arises.  Don’t rush out and buy an Arkansas Tooth Pick.  Pick up something simple, like a swiss army knife, a small lock blade or a multitool.

Small First Aid kit

You don’t need anything fancy.  Stick with a simple kit to start with, then modify the kit over time to add things you hope you never need.  Many basic kits are sold at your local box store.  Start small and then grow into what you need.  Remember to replace anything you use.

Lighter or Firestarter

You can get fancy with a Swedish Fire Steel, or grab a cheap lighter from a convince store.  I carry both.


Get a cheap headlamp or flashlights with extra batteries.  I personally carry a ProTac 1L-1AA by Streamlight.  It is not a cheap light, but it is the best light I have found at a relatively low price point.

Sun Protection

Sun Screen and a wide brim hat will take care of you.

Extra Food and Water

Always bring more food and water than you think you need.  Being hungry and dehydrate is never fun and can lead to some bad things.